How can I disagree with a petition? is an open platform, and we invite all points of view to join and support the change they want to see in the world, as long as they are following our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. That means that sometimes you will come across a petition that you disagree with, and it makes sense that you would want to have your voice heard.
We do not offer the option to disagree with a petition. But don't worry, you still have options!
- We suggest that you use our search function to find a petition that shares your point of view. That way you can make your voice heard!
- If you don't find a petition that shares your point of view, you can always start your own! There are likely other people that share your perspective, and you could be the advocate they have been looking for.
If you find a petition that you believe violates our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can report it by following these steps.