Download your signatures
How to extract your signatures from our platform
You will likely want to download your signatures to share with your Decision Maker. This is available no earlier than 24 hours after you’ve created your petition - you will not have the option to download before that.
To download your signatures, please follow the steps below:
- Once you’ve logged into your account, go to your My Petitions page.
- Use the "My Petitions" link at the top of the page OR use the menu on the top right portion of the page
- On a desktop device, click on the icon/image; on a mobile device, tap on the three-bar icon.
- Click/tap on the petition whose signatures you’d like to download. This will bring you to your dashboard.
- Scroll down the page to find the box labeled “Recent Supporters.” The bottom part of that section will read “Full supporter list.”
- Use the dropdown to select if you’d prefer just the signatures, or the signatures along with the comments.
- Click/tap the “Get list” button!
Your downloads will be emailed to you shortly in spreadsheet format.
NOTE: Microsoft Excel sometimes does not recognize some encodings (i.e. languages that do not use A-z, and even including A-z with accents/diacritic marks) as well as it used to. We recommend downloading and installing either LibreOffice ( or OpenOffice (, both of which are free and open-sourced, which will be able to handle your downloads.
Need a pdf of your signatures?
You will be able to convert the spreadsheet you are sent to a PDF on your own computer! Here are some great instructions on how to do that in Excel:
If you have any other questions about your signatures, contact our support team.