Signature Count FAQs
Answering some questions about your petition signatures
Changing Your Signature Goal
Your public signature goal is there to help engage and energize your supporters, and it not meant to signify how many supporters are needed to deem the petition a success. Therefore there is no way to manually change your signature goal - once you get near a milestone goal, we increase your goal to the next one!
Once you have reached the goal of your petition, you can and should declare victory - regardless of signature count.
Does the signature count look different on the download as compared to the petition dashboard?
There are some reasons that you might find a discrepancy between these two numbers.
- It can sometimes take 24 hours for signatures to appear in your downloaded file. This is especially true if you’ve had a large number of people sign over a short period of time! Try waiting a short time, and download it again.
- If signers didn’t validate or confirm their email address, their signature won’t be shown/counted.
- A signer can change their mind and remove their signature.